No, marriage was formed with the rise of agriculture, to tie people to their land. Yes it was created to create a bond between a man and a woman and to their children/progeny, but in such a model, women were considered the property of men - this continued even in the US until relatively recently. In such an individualist model, people also began to divide and hoard resources more. Women also became more vulnerable to the whims/violence of their spouses. Resource-sharing happens in any community; this broke down resource-sharing further. People have always been intertwined financially and in terms of resources. Marriage hasn’t necessarily made that sharing better. It also shows that any relationship between a man and a woman has to do with resources as well, and this shouldn’t be denied, as some people are loathe to admit. People marry for all sorts of reasons, and some are financial, for both men and women. That does not negate the limited and unnatural nature of the relationship. Whether there is any consideration of marriage or not, I am arguing simply that a woman should be treated with respect in any interactions with a man, and should also advocate for herself and not tolerate debased, insulting, aggressive, or otherwise negligent behavior. Women have the potential to help lift a man up spiritually, and a man should take heed of that as well.