Savoring the Liminal Season of Fall

Olivia Love
2 min readSep 21, 2024
Photo by author

A humble, solid strength emerges in the pause between seasons.

In this pause lives the overlap when one season is not yet over (it’s still sweltering), but promises of a new one are beginning to softly, yet undeniably announce their appearance.

There is a hint of a chill, the nights suddenly have an ease that draw memories of earlier times, and I start guessing between one moment and the next, between my self of yesterday and my self of today.

Standing at the threshold, lingering for a moment in the precipice, I gaze at once fondly and wearily backward at the path I’ve trod, and then my eyes focus forward to the one ahead yet untaken.

Yet I know this pause, this time of unraveling and rebecoming, will soon be swallowed and I will just have an imprint of it. The snake skins of time shed to allow a stronger, heftier version of me, my sweat evaporating as I ready myself to step through this portal yet again.

The veil is getting thinner and I sigh to welcome in this new season once again, to let it hold me and rest my weight into as I shed the summer heat and let the whispers of the cold bring ease into this fading frenetic season. Summer is falling again into slumber, a powerful lover that must retreat but knows it is not yet vanished.

