Member-only story
Three Years In the Making: 888 Followers
Though I’m not quite at my goal of obtaining 1,000 followers and growing, I’m proud of this milestone.
I’ve been on Medium since 2019, writing with increased regularity as the years have gone by. Though I have not yet consistently made high earnings from this site, the social aspect of the platform and the immediacy of publishing my thoughts for others to find, see, and read has been appealing.
I’m also using the Medium platform as a way to grow my portfolio of work, to practice and hone in on my writing skills, to articulate my thoughts, and to connect to other writers and readers. For those reasons, this platform has been invaluable.
It is the haters that have garnered me the most income: my most viral articles have been those that spurred disagreement from both men and women, though more so from men who find themselves displeased with my demands that they meet a woman’s needs and be more conscious in their dating approaches. Yet it is the readers who’ve resonated with my words that have rewarded me more. Those unsolicited remarks thanking me for articles from people I haven’t met have been such lovely, unexpected gifts. The affirmation that some people are receiving and valuing my messages has heartened me and gratified me that my writing is a worthwhile pursuit after all.