When people preface or end arguments with "No disrespect," it's because there usually is disrespect in said argument. Asking for economic equality is old and tired? So you don't think our economy or society would benefit from universal basic income (UBI)?
Maybe you're a lone wolf, but science supports that humans are social animals. We all thrive best in cooperation, not competition. The competitive, individualist, capitalist model we have is part of why we are in these overlapping crises currently (mental health, health, climate change, pandemic, late-stage capitalism). But if you want to believe our systems aren't toxic or collapsing, and that men deserve economic superiority and that we don't benefit from a collective mindset, well then, I don't know what to say to you, except maybe consider the state of the world and your place in it. Hope you continue to find the light.
See for instance all the research that has found that Darwin's "Survival of the Fittest" really means "Survival of the Kindest and Most Cooperative" - "Over the years, evolutionary biologists and psychologists have added cooperation, kindness, friendliness, and niceness to their interpretation of Darwinism, asserting that it’s humans’ ability to live with each other, feel each other’s pain, care for their young and loved ones that make Homo sapiens the species that won out over all the others." https://theswaddle.com/weve-completely-misunderstood-survival-of-the-fittest-evolutionary-biologists-say/